vendredi 14 janvier 2011

Joni and home

"Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
Till it's gone"
And oh shit was Joni ever right.

Not so long ago, let's say at the bio wine & cheese fall 2010 edition, I had an interesting conversation about homes, and what it means to possess a home. It all started by the simple sentence: "I don't have a home". It is true that in its purest form and as defined by Oxford Dictionnary, a home is simpy the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. According to this, having a home is probably something fairly unknown to most of us, or far and confused in childhood memories.
This description deceives my own feelings about homes. I believe we all have a home, a place where we are all loved and cared about, where we can only and purely be true. A unphysical place where indeed not one but one's heart and soul can live permanently, as a member of a living unit. And I hope this represents so much more than the simple physical location of «home». 

I found that place, and to realise it makes it even harder to leave. And did I require a departure to actually know how important that home of mine is? I might have. But now that I know what it takes for me to truly have a home, there's no way I'm letting go of it, and I shall work as hard as I can to preserve it. I will be back.

Amour à ma maman et alliés, mon amour, et mes amis si précieux! Je vous adore.